World News

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13 Articles
World News

The future of European politics: can Europe remain united?

In the past few years, Europe has faced several challenges including the illegal immigration problem. The future of European politics is also at...

World News

The Labour Party Vs The Reform party in the UK’s politics

The Labour Party was one of the major parties in the politics of the UK. Currently, the Labour Party is now serving the...

World News

A New Direction for US Foreign Policy?

The United States of America is dominating the entire world through its unique foreign policies. In the past few years, America has been...

BusinessWorld News

Trump administration gives green light to sell F-35 fighter jets to India

For the past two years, India’s Ministry of External Affairs has asked the United States for F-35 fighter fighters. On the contrary, the...

World News

Top 10 Greatest-Ever Fantasy Movies In The World You Should Watch In 2025

Watching movies is the best way to get rid of daily life stress and anxieties. There are multiple genres in the world of...

BusinessWorld News

Indonesia is trying to become a global superpower.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and the third most populated country in the world. Currently, Indonesia is trying to...

BusinessWorld News

Turkey is working towards establishing itself as a global superpower

Turkiye is situated in a strategically important place in Asia and Europe. Over the past few years, Turkey improved its economy and military...

SportsWorld News

There is a chance that county cricket may flourish.

The oldest form of League cricket is county cricket. The league began in 1890 with eighteen teams. The league was started before the...